Nature Walk & Bird-watching at Uppar Dam

Nature Society of Tirupur, along with Dharapuram Nature Society went on a Nature walk & Birding trip to Uppar Dam on Sunday, the 29th day of November, 2020.

20 members from Nature Society of Tirupur ( NST )  and 6 members from Dharapuram Nature Society ( DNS ) participated in the event. We started birding in the dry shrub terrain inside the dam area by 7.00 am and concluded by 10.20 am.

A total of 55 Bird species were sighted on the trip.

Black Winged Stilts
Intermediate Egrets
Cattle Egrets
Great Egret
Little Egret
Indian Pond Heron
Grey Heron
Purple Heron
Black capped Night Heron
Common Sandpiper
Little Ringed Plover
Indian Robin
Red Wattled Lapwing
Yellow Wagtail
Grey Wagtail
Common woodshrike
Black Drongo
Purple Sunbird
Yellow Billed Babbler
Jungle Babbler
Spot billed duck
Common Myna
Rose ringed Parakeet
Common Hawk Cuckoo
White Throated Kingfisher
Siberian Stonechat
White bellied Drongo
Red necked Falcon
Black headed Cuckooshrike
Paddifield Pipit
Tawny Pipit
Indian Eagle Owl
Eurasian Cuckoo
Grey Francolin
Rock bush Quail
Ashy Prinia
Pied Cuckoo / Jacobin’s cuckoo
Long tailed Babbler
Brahminy Startling
Brahminy Kite
Ashy crowned Sparrow lark
Eurasian Collared Dove
Red Collared Dove
Bay-backed shrike
Indian Peafowl
Small Minivet
Button Quail
Common Iora
Eurasian Thick-knee
Pied Bushchat
Large Grey Babbler
Grey Shrike
Syke’s Warblers